Aug 23, 2006 10:23
well this is going to be a funny story
the other day I got home and some how my bedroom door was locked. I was like graet now I am going to have to call the land lord and wait from him to come and unlock it..So I call the land lord and he tells me that he has never had a key for that lock...great I think what the hell to I do now!...well after trying to kick the door! I go out sida and go throw my Window...after I cut the screen so I could get in...ok so I thought I am so in now...not.!!!
the door would not unlock so now I call my roommate who helps me get the door of all the way soon as we take the door off the lock falls off to wal-mart I go to get a new door handle with out a lock I may I get that and some other stuff I need....and i get home and don't you know it the casher put the door handle in another bag that I did not take I thought there was only one bag but no there was 2 so I got back in the car drove back to wal-mart get it and then I went back home and but it all back toether....keith will never know LOL all in all I now know how to put a door back together