Dec 10, 2004 18:23

Well. yesterday I got my science test back. Yup. Didn't do as bad as normal either. I had a 65.4 originally. (I know you are thinking this is bad but I was happy-ish) Mr. Allen made a mistake though which thrilled me because it raised my grade to a 70 yes a 70. Giddy, Merry, Extactic, Chipper, Thrilled, Happy.... yes I was. But then when I went to go find out my over-all grade, he changed my mood to steamed, angered, ticked off. He says that I have a 69 over all. I dont think so. I tried to prove him wrong. I told him that was my overall last semester, so I pulled out my progress report and he was right and I was yes.... wrong. (shocked I know I am never wrong) so.... I told him that I was wrong, and it takes a lot for me to admit that I am wrong. He just had to go and say "Tell me it again Hilliary" and I shouted no!!! never!!!! but eventually I said it and he gave me an extra point which raised my D to a C! yes a C. My mood went back to Giddy, Merry, Extactic, Chipper, Thrilled, Happy it was good.

Religion was fun. Mr. Bates was our sub and he was telling yes that Isaiah is the "what what prophet" it was hilarious. I think it is just the cutest thing ever that he is going to be a daddy and Mrs. Bates a mommy it is adorible.

Madame V and I had a nice talk about the theatre today in dance class. I NEED TO SEE LE MISERABLES!!!!!! really bad.

well thats all for now.
tommarrow is Six Flags (sigh**tear**) I hate that place.
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