
May 30, 2008 21:04

Yeyyyyyyyyyyy it's Friday.......oh wait I work tomorrow too. Ok I can deal with that.  Today was a fairly nice day and it was my last class at school until my final. So today was our review day in class and we walked about a mile and a half to Golden Spoon Yogurt. It was my first time having a yogurt there and I ended up buying the mango flavor, not bad. We ate our yogurts while reviewing for our final exam for about 30 minutes then walked back to school. Gotta love trips like that. If only all classes can review for finals like that.

After school I went to Ralph's to buy some groceries and while walking out of the store I noticed an interesting happening. A couple was having a yelling match.  She drove a BMW and he drove a Lexus(I assume this because they were parked next to each other), nice cars. I was at a distant so I didn't know what they were yelling about but all of a sudden the girl got into her car backed up and drove into his car. What a moron. She dented her car as well as his. The guy started to try to comfort her and she got out of her car and wen up to him. This is where I thought it was going to get uglier but it didn't, he held her, talked to her and then kissed her. She was crying but probably relieved at what ever the fight was about. Love love love........and now she has to pay to get her car fix and his. Lovely. When I saw this out in the parking lot I thought about that tv show Cheaters but who knows what the couples argument was about. Ok back to work now.
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