fanfiction stories/ college

Jul 10, 2007 20:12

I feel empty. I expected to feel slightly accomplished after finally making a website for my stories/poems. Maybe it's this nonstop pace I've been going at for years. It's wearing me down.

Perhaps I'll go read some more Life of Pi. I've finished Catch 22, which means I've only got Grapes of Wrath left to read. After that I've got to start reading that booko on college app. essays and then begin writing my college app. essays. Plus, I need to creat a list of teachers who would be perfect for my recommendation letters. I feel useless. I want to begin writing another original story but first, I want to finish writing my other fanfiction stories. (Perhaps, I'll give away my idea for the last fanfiction story I was planning on writing).

Not to mention that my computer has been acting weird lately.

I cannot wait till Sunday. We are having a brithday celebration for me (even though my b-day's not till tuesday) at Sun-n- fun lagoon.
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