dancing dude from six flags ( you kno the1 that dose the dance)

May 18, 2005 17:59

well hello every1. i dont got to much to write about so ill keep it short and simple..... maybe another 25 list iof what somethuing like or hate is perhaps. my brains dead weight and i cant seem to figure out what spice girl i want to pergnate... 99 percent of mny lifew i was lied to i jjust found out my mom dose more dope then i do. ok thats enough with the crazzy randome lyrics

Top most 25 thingd i love about P
short for pereche?? dose she have a husband>

1. the way she woddles
2 the gren dress she wore totaly brung out her fatness today
3. the why she uses the elivator instead of the stairs
4. how jay triped her down the stairs (this was back when she didnt use the elivator)
5. how she told emiley she lost 200 pounds or w/e
6. how shes ;like a crazzy rapist who mkaes girls change their cloths
7. you think i can mae it to 25?
8. the way pics where put up telling her to go back to cuba
9. how kala thinks shes going to eat her
10. how you barley see her around the halls
11. wondering if she wears a thong ( EWWWWWWWWWWW THATS FUCKING NASTY)
12. her hair style
14. how every tiome she yells at nick nick comes back with a smart ass coment and shes says shes going to tell slavo but never dose
15. see her geting a salad during lunch ( shoundt she be geting pizza)
16. i hope she never finds this or else i'am dead
17the way she leans on lockers when she talks to some1
18. how steve tobin sucks up 2 her so fucking much
19. i cant stand her voice thats 1 thing i htae about her
20. how that 1 time i came into her office and she was eating eminems
21. no matter how bitg your cock is i dontt hink you can get it threw the mass of fat that she has blocking her pussy ( another thing i dont love EWWW THAT SOUNDS SO FUCKING WRONG)
22. how she mad eme change me beer shirt back in 6th grade
23. how she almost had to clean up the spilled bottles in the hallway just a few weeks ago
24, how steve tobuin offerd her a muffin and she tunred it down
25.... make up your own i cant think of any more
i'am a teribule person but it makes me feel better about writing in thins thing + i got a few good chukles out of it

lol i'am such a teribule person... hope that
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