Apr 06, 2005 18:45
I went to the doctor today because my leg got increasing worse....turns out I tore the outside of a ligiment in my knee...and that I can't do track or P.E. for 2 weeks, and even after that I can't run full speed for a full month. The good thing is I can swim and play basketball, YES! I saw Cody at the doctor too, he looked so bad...it was so pitiful! Teach really needs to come back because...uhh...I don't like sibstitutes very much(bad experiences..cough cough, Krone!) but anyways, Mr. Ralls is leaving us again!!!!!
Teach your birthday is coming up...I'd be scared..hehe and how about that party on the 16th?? Pink drink's??? haha...much good times...just wait till summer Hoss will come over and the inflatable pool will go in your backyard...after you blow it up :). Nothing else has really happened. By the way who run the track meet?? Resting my leg then up and at it again even though the track season will be practically over...oh well.tootles.