Dec 18, 2008 23:28
,,,is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo laid back.
I sleep in till 11 or 12; Mrs. Rainey wakes me up and has breakfast/lunch already waiting for me. We pick up a movie or two, spend the day watching it before heading over to Meijer to pick Todd up. He is, of course, adorable-yet very grownup- in his official Meijer attire. Afterwards, I suck down a few rootbeere before hopping on the computer or snuggling up on the couch with Todd.
*Someone* told Mrs. Rainey that I don't drink enough milk *coughToddcough* so she's been offering it left and right.
"White, Chocolate, or mixed???" "Err... mixed please."
Evenings might include a rendevous with friends (suprised we haven't met up with Nick or Brian yet), Halo 3, Magic:The Gathering, a theater movie, or Fazolis (but they aren't mutually exclusive).
Today we saw The Day the Earth Stood Still with Josh Lantz and his dad. I haven't seen the old one, so I can't compare, but I enjoyed it. You come to HATE the little kids character. I'm pretty sure its Will Smith's little boy. Good actor, but you HATE the character.
In general, I'm feeling really at ease. Its good to relax.