(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 20:09

1*What time is it: 7:28
2*Today's Date: November 7, 2005
3*Full Name: Jasmine Elizabeth Alexander
4*Gender: Females
5*Age: 14
6*Birthday: August 20, 1991
7*Siblings (age,sex): Hal*21*Male & Nick*20*Male & Melina*12*Female
8*Parents: Mommy and Daddy
9*Nieces: None
10*Nephews: None
11*School: Clio High School
12*School colors: Orange and Black
13*Car: HeHe I wish
14*Car color: --
15*Eye color: Green/Hazel
16*Hair Color: Brown
17*Hair Length: Past my shoulders, 'bout to my armpits!
18*Weight: 130 lb's
19*Height: 5'4ish
20*Skin (pale, white, tan, dark, black): Tan
21*What are you wearing as of now: Pajama pants, black silky w. hearts, and a white t-shirt!
22*Are you wearing make-up? Nope
23*Did you take a shower today? --I take mine at night--so not yet but i will be!
24*Pets (names, kind): Bouncer*Golden Retriver*Dog & KiKi*Siemiese*Cat
25*What are you drinking right now? Nothing
26*Do you smoke? No
27*If so, what do you smoke?
28*Do you have a car, or is it your parents? I'm only 14
29*Are you listening to music? Yes
30*If so, what song, and who is it by? Hotel Californai*The Eagles
31*What are your screen names? AladdinsPrncess6 - AIM
32*Crush: ---Not saying--
33*Person you want to go out with: ---Not Saying--
34*Dating anyone? No..
35*If so, who? --N/A--
36*How long? --N/A--
37*who asked who out? --N/A--
38*Are you in love? Nope
39*Are you a virgin? Yes
40*How far have you been with a guy/girl? --Not saying--
41*How far would you go just to be with the person you crushed? ---
42*Are you a little devil, or a sweet little innocent ANGEL? hmm..sum where in the middle
43*Who’s your best friend? Theresa!
44*Why is she/he your best friend? cause she is the person that is always there for me and I hvae the funnist when im with her! : )
45*What's your perfect dream date like? I dont know!..
46*Who would it be with? --
47*where would you go? --
48*What kind of music do you listen to? Lots of different/ Favorite is Country

49*Shy: Not really
50*Outgoing: Usually
51*Ugly: Not really
52*Pretty: Sometimes
53*Beautiful: Sometimes
54*Loveable: Yes
55*Sensitive: Depends
56*Nerdy: No Not Really
57*Geek: No
58*Playa: No
59*Playa hater: Not neccisarily
60*Tall: Not really
61*Short: Not really
62*Only Child: Nope
63*Cheated on a test: Yes--Both ways
64*Did someone else's homework: Yup
65*let someone act like you on the phone: Yes
66*asked out your crush: When i was little and didnt give a shit about getting turned down..recently (last like 3 years) nope
67*Split up a relationship: Not that I know of
68*Drove a car: Yes
69*Road a roller coaster: Not really
70*Chickened out on a rollercoaster: Yup!
71*Went to a concert: Yes..
72*Went to the beach: Yup
73*Been to an Ocean: Nope ((December)) : )
74*Called your boyfriend a jerk: Nope - dont got one-
75*Made fun of your best friend: Yes- all the time
76*said you loved someone when you really didn't: Ya
77*Said you loved someone and you meant it: My family and friends!
78*Kissed someone: Ya
79*Went out on a date, just you and him/her: No! : (

80*Color: Yellow
81*Flower: I dont know
82*Car- Silverado- 4x4-duramax diesel-Z71
83*Drink: Wild Cherry Pepsi
84*Day: Sat. or Fri
85*Song: ??
86*CD: ??
87*person: ??
88*Star: ??
90*Actress: Jessica Biel
91*Movie: I dont know
92*Singer(s): ??
93*Rapper(s): Eminem!
95*Music Video: ??
96*Radio Station(s): 94.5 95.1 98.1 102.5 93.7 105.5 101.5 I listen to a variety
97*TV Show: The O.C, Laguna Beach, Real World
98*friend at school: Theresa ... duh..
99*Animal(s): ??
100*School(elementary, Jr High, High school): High School
101*Boy Name(s): ??
102*Girl Name(s): ??
103*pet name(s): ??

104*Coolest car: ?? Prob. Will
105*Best house: Prob. Steph
106*Shortest temper: ??
107*Most talented: ??
108*Funniest track record: ??
109*Weirdest taste in opposite sex: ??
110*Oddest sense of humor: ??
111*Dirtiest mind: ??
112*Most unusual ideas: ?? ((who ever made this thingy))
113*Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend: ....---
114*Any song that reminds you of them:
115*Get along with your ex's?: Nope...I only have like one actuall Ex-Boyfriend...
116*Best girl friends: Theresa, Steph G, Sarah, IDK
117*Best guy friends: Nick, Will, Kevin, Brent ??
118*Friends you wish you were closer with: ??
119*Why are you such good friends and how did you become such good friends: Most of them I became Friends W. Throught Theresa!
120*Could you tell them anything: I dont know?
121*Why or why not: It would depend on who it was..and what i was saying
122*Do you trust them: Yes
123*Out of all your friends who is… (this isn't a question; I don’t know why it's numbered):
124*Shortest: ?? I dunno
125*Tallest: Kevin
126*Funniest: ??
127*Sweetest: ??
128*Trusted: ??
129*Trusting: ??
130*Advisor: ??
131*Advisee: ??
132*Most perfect: ??
133*Most insecure: ??
134*Smartest: ??
135*Dumbest/blondest: ??
136*Horniest: ??

Which One?
138*Car OR jeep: depends on type of car...
139*Sweet and ugly OR Rude and Hot: In between
140*Tall OR short: Taller than me
141*Long hair in the summer OR short hair in the winter: hmm...
142*Bangs OR no bangs: ??
143*hot, hairy chest guy OR ugly, smooth chest guy: ??
144*Soggy Bread OR Raw Meat: Soggy Bread ..Raw Meat will kill me : (
145*Justin Timberlake with a bald head OR long hair: ??
146*Pringles OR Doritos: Doritos
147*Scary Movie OR Romantic Movie: Scary
148*Dog OR Cat: Dog
149*Fish OR Bird: I dunno Fishy
150*Sandals with socks or tennis shoes with no socks: Snadals w. socks ((everyday))
151*Shoes OR Sandals: Sandals
152*Computer with no mouse OR Computer with no keyboard: No mouse
153*Love OR Like: ??
154*Hot Or Cute: ??
155*Honest & Nerdy OR Liar & Popular: Honest!
156*100 friends or 1 best friend: 1 best friend at least you'll have some one to trust
157*100 friends that lie all the time OR no friends: ?? i dont know
158*Sports or studies: Sports
159*Hot boyfriend that never calls you OR Ugly Boyfriend that calls you when you want him to: Well I would like to talk to my boyfriend..??
160*Staple your tongue or Staple your Lip: OWWW neither
161*Long Gross nails Or no Nails at all: ??
162*Food or drink: Food!
163*Spinach OR Raw Fish: Neither
164*Green Beans or Refried beans: Refried Beans
165*computer with no speakers & napster OR a computer with speakers without napster: w. out napster..there is AOL and Yahoo w. music too
167*Email or Mail: E-mail

First reaction
168*Ugly: X-tremly skinny people
169*Fat: Not me..
170*cute: Clothes
171*Hot: Half Naked!..lol..
172*Guys: Good Friends ((???))
173*Jerks: AssHoles
174*Girls: BackStabbing ((the ones who arnt are Fun))
175*friends: ??...
176*Car: Want one
178*Color: Yellow
179*wet: ??
180*Plastic: or Paper
181*hard: Geometry
182*soft: Taco
183*watery: ??
184*Silver: Necklace
185*Fork: Food
186*Spoon: Food
187*Bowl: Ice cream
188*Plate: Food
189*TV: : )
190*Money: Need some
191*School: GAY
192*Crush: ---not saying what I'm thinking--
193*love: ♥ 's
194*boyfriend: Dont got one
195*girlfriend: I'm not one
196*Drink: Thirsty
197*Swallow: Sorethroat
198*Suck: Suckers
199*Blow: Pop
200*Outside: Soccer
201*Inside: Indoor Soccer ((lol))
202*What time is it now?? 8 :04
203*Did this Survey really annoy you?? Umm at times cuz i was confused
204*Who do you hope fills this out? IDC
205*Are you glad you're done? YES
206*Do you want more questions? No
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