Jan 22, 2006 00:10
wow. today was like the most stressful day ever!!! I woke up at 9:30 so I had to go shopping for everything i NEEDED AT THE SHOW TONIGHT. whoa sry caps. and we didnt get back until like 11:15 and It took me forever to do my hair in that wacko hairstyle and the we ended up leaving like 15 minutes late for practice. and I was going off on my mom and being a complete brat but w/e it's cool now. then after practice i got to see Craig for a few minutes and then he showed up at school after the show <3 I had a few good laughs (as well as the rest of the guard and audience) at the show. haha sorry Sam.
SO, we had out first winterguard show tonight... and won 1st place in our class :D
everyone go see the next show- Feb 4th at Wellington High!!!!!!!!
yesterday I got my liscense. watch out for me people.
last week I got to go to the dance concert at Dreyfoos :) I got to see all the people I haven't seen since 8th grade. It was nice.
school's been pretty cool lately. very non-stressful. But I've decided sallenbach is the worst teacher ever.
my padres said I couldn't take dance classes this year cuz of guard. dance is like 836384765 times better than guard, but it's all I've got. Im not gonna drop guard so I can spend 3 hours a week at Southern. It made me sad :(
llama llama llama. so I'm extremely drained and tired now. I think sleeping is an excellent idea. toodle-lou my love