Who am I to go aganist the wind?

Jan 14, 2009 19:54

It's been an absurdly long time for me on this. I'm not even sure if people are still reading this, but hey, why not right? And now, for what I'm good at....lists of thoughts:

- I'm counting down the days until I'm back at school. Home was nice for a while but I've had waaaaay too much idle time on my hands. I'm not a fan of being absurdly busy but in some ways, I'm less of a fan of being not busy at all. I'll rest when I'm dead.

- Someone needs to talk to me about the band Dispatch. Does anyone have their CD they want to send my way? I have like one song by them that I randomly discovered one day and I want more.

- I often forget that it's 2009 now. That's good though because the best things that happen to my family occur in odd years. It's a weird theory my dad has but its actually pretty consistent. We were all born in odd years, we all graduated from our high school in odd years, all major deaths in my family were in even years, etc. There are some inconsistencies but I like to hold on to the idea that something wonderful is on the way.

- I often wonder how I physically look to other people. I have this theory that the way I think that I present myself looks insanely different then what it actually is. For example, the way I walk. I think I'm pretty light on my feet in a certain sense but who knows. Maybe I just clop through my life.

- If you can spare a moment, go to youtube and look up the music video for "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim. You won't be sorry in the least.

- I've been craving an orange for maybe a week. But I don't want to put the work into getting it done. Plus, I'm usually pretty disappointed in my oranging experiences. But you can't beat the taste of an excellent orange.

- I wonder was the evolutionary purpose for fingernails was? I understand they are supposed to protect the nail bed but why is that area so sensitive. Is it only sensitive because its protected from the very beginning? If I was born without fingernails, would that area but tough like the rest of my skin? Lots and lots of science.

- I want a bowler hat.

- Rust never sleeps...interesting concept.

I think that's what I got, don't start a riot.
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