Apr 09, 2008 11:14
1) It is so insanely lovely outside! I'm sitting on a rock in front of Bartlett doing my Psych homework and I am feeling so good! This day just kinda gives you happy feelings.
2) The Jungle Book = amazing! I watched it again last night and it is hilarious! It's amazing how much I forget of the classic Disney movies like Robin Hood and Sleeping Beauty. I might have a fest when I get home and remind myself.
3) Going on this Jungle Book vein, remember the elephants in the movie? One of them has red eyes and is always eating. Stoner elephant much? I think so.
4) There is a squirrely like 2 feet away and I think he's watching me type this entry. Well, if you can see this squirrel FUCK OFF! You are way too creepy to be this close to me.
5) Notice the new icon? Go ahead, you can appreciate it's incredibleness. I sure have!
6) I came up with the best theory ever yesterday! Or the day before. Anyhoo, you know how boys are obsessed with their own genitles? I came up with the idea that males place all of their masculinity in one part of their body. If that part is gone, their masculinity is gone. Yet females spread their feminity all over their bodies. If a part of feminity is removed, there are still other parts of ourselves that make us feel female. I'm considering making an overall thesis to this but I'm liking it!
7) Papekls!?! Where are you? We should all have a chat at once soon. I need you kids back in my life.
8) Why is it that every time someone says "tomato is a vegetable" the first thing the next person says is "well, it's actually a fruit". Shut the hell up! I know it's a fruit/vegetable. You are not original for saying something like that or smart or witty. We have all been told a thousand times that a tomato is a fruit so I apologize in advance for offending you with my mis-comment.
9) It's 11:21! And there are so many people outside! Yay!
10) I want to get away, I want to fly away. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!