Jun 11, 2005 14:07
Haven't updated this in a while. I do actually have a reasonablly good reason for that and it's not because I was in Christchurch ^_^
It's coz I ended up in hospital for a couple of days at the beginning of this week on Monday, Tuesday and Wenesday. (I got out on Wenesday.) The reason being I ended up with a cracked jaw and now I have to eat soft foods for six weeks :-( I also have dentist appointments and go to Upper Hutt Hospital on the 30th and the dentist on the 27th of June.
The bad thing being was I was suposed to start work at my new job on Thursday and go home from Christchurch on the Tuesday. I ended staying an extra day in Christchurch because the doctors told me I wasn't aloud to go out till the Wenesday and my boss has let me take as much time off for what I need and start when I'm all better so that's atleast good. I'm still sore but other than that everything should all be well soon....
I hope.