Jun 27, 2005 21:32
so today i did all my laundry and wow...i have a ton of clothes! lol...ummm...i have an interview tomorrow for a second job at JC Pennys...joy...i dont wanna go...i put in my other application to Marshall's today and i really hope i get that job cuz thats where i really would like to work...but hey...cant win em all...plus its temporary...just long enough for me to get enough money for a new car...but yea...i practiced a lot today...im startin to get back into the groove...which is a good thing...lmao...ummm...yea i cooked dinner...and yea...my life is goin pretty good right now...i guess...just feels like im missin something...and i think i know what it is...i just dont know what to do about it...:-/