Jul 11, 2009 16:04
"|Jonathan| says:
the greatest trick that satan ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist"
That's not the first time I've heard it. It's kinda scary. Maybe not to some people but really, think about it. Think about it deep.
Okay, well lets see where this leads.
-I believe that Satan doesn't exist-
..wow this is harder than i thought.
Nothing could attack me spiritually.
Wiches and Wizards are all like harry potter&co.
okay this is failing.
What is Satan's motive? Simply. Just what is it?
To steal us away from God. HE wanted to be greater than God. He's like the head of Team Galactic. Making his army work for him, to steal more people for him to ...the cycle goes around i guess. In the end he's just selfish he's just... cos he can? Maybe it's because he doesn't want God's Kingdom to expand, he doesn't want It to be greater that it already is. Which is impossible because it's at it's greatest. God is Great. You can't get any better or at the same level as him.
I'm not sure. I don't understand what or who Satan really is. I guess i've fallen into something there. No, actually I don't think it's even that. I'm just afraid that I don't know enough about the enemy. But do i need to knoiw about it If i know God?
Okay options
One could stay at the same spiritual level, and investigate who this satan is. Just so that they know just what they are in for.
One could leave it up to God. Focus more on their relationship with Him. Grow closer and know what He has to say and what He has said.
It make more sense when you type or write something out. Option two is far greater a choice than the first. If you're strong. If the relationship between you and God is .....well i guess what more do you need? God's on your side.
And whatever attacks Satan has down prepared for you, you can be assured that God's there and He'll lead you in what to do. Maybe even rip out some bible verses.
I found it.
Genesis 3:14
"Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life."
[God to Satan, the snake]
Genesis 3:19
"By the sweat of your brow you willeat your food until you return to the ground since from it you were taken; for dust you are and dust you will return."
[God to Man]
Hence we must put on the full armour of Christ to protect ourselves from satan, because he is hungry, and we are his food.
This was all from the sermon on Sunday.
Last night i dreamt that I was being or was goign to be questioned about being a child of God. I knew i wanted to say yes I knew that i was going to say yes. But that means they'd kill me. I didn't know if i shoudl say yes or not. I was so afraid that I wasn't ready whether or not i'd go to heaven or not.
I wonder what made enoch so special that he didn;t die. that God jsut took him away. That'd be pretty amazing. Does the bible talk about any amazing things that he did? well from what i've read so far, in genesis, he just had kids, walked with the Lord and..."...then he was no more, because God took him away."
His relationship with the Lord. all else i guess comes secondary.
You can go out and help and all that for church for youth for charity for God, but its the relationshio and your walk with him that's what really counts.
glhf i'm almost late for work.