Jun 05, 2005 09:46
Today is graduation...not for me, obviously...but for my best friends
It's really hard
Alot harder then i expected
to grasp that i probably will see them like 5 times in the total of next year. I'm gunna break down today and cry alot its expected. The sadness only starts here because after summer/travel ends im gunna be a mess. Like seriously total and complete mess.
I know senior year your supposed to make your best year, but i have a feeling it is going to be my worst year for the main reason that people i love wont be with me to enjoy it.
Well I just hope everything we've put forth the past years stays with us all for life because we are a differant kind of friends we are best friends and thats special.
So i just want to thank you all for putting up with me and for ALL the awesome memories we've made between muddog idol to walden books the laughs never end when we are together. I dont know where i would be now if i didnt ever meet these people but i know one things for sure i wouldnt be as happy as i am. so here's a final thank you until the end of summer