Aug 01, 2005 23:12
an interesting little convo i had to share. just to prove what guys r really thinking about...
lilshortgirlsays: hey
Raeb New: hey
Raeb New: fun?
lilshortgirlsays: i didnt go bowling
Raeb New: well then
Raeb New: how was he?
lilshortgirlsays: who?
Raeb New: well
Raeb New: what did you do then?
Raeb New: Monday night, didn't go bowling, didn't have sex....
lilshortgirlsays: well then
lilshortgirlsays: haha
lilshortgirlsays: that's for me to kno
lilshortgirlsays: i had a friend from outta town come in tonight
lilshortgirlsays: from vegas actually
lilshortgirlsays: so we went out
Raeb New: hahaha
Raeb New: that's why I asked you
Raeb New: how was he?
lilshortgirlsays: lol
Raeb New: ify ou just answer the question, you don't have to explain :P
lilshortgirlsays: ohh is that how it is?
Raeb New: hmm?
Raeb New: you make it sound like you wanna hurt me
lilshortgirlsays: u dont want details eh?
Raeb New: I'm not a big detail man
lilshortgirlsays: well we went out
lilshortgirlsays: ate
lilshortgirlsays: played some games
Raeb New: just tell me what you did, how many times, and did he like it
lilshortgirlsays: put some tokens in, got tickets out
lilshortgirlsays: then got some prizes
lilshortgirlsays: oh he loved it
lilshortgirlsays: she didnt like it so much tho
lilshortgirlsays: ;-)
lilshortgirlsays: silence?
Raeb New: hmm?
Raeb New: no, just reading
lilshortgirlsays: haha
lilshortgirlsays: now
lilshortgirlsays: would u like me to tell u the actual situation
Raeb New: hmm?
Raeb New: you lied to me?
Raeb New: I feel so betrayed
lilshortgirlsays: just to prove, ppl assume too much
lilshortgirlsays: no
lilshortgirlsays: on the contrary
lilshortgirlsays: everything i said was true
lilshortgirlsays: every single thing
lilshortgirlsays: i promise
lilshortgirlsays: now listen
lilshortgirlsays: my sister's friend came into town tonight with her little brother josh (age 7)
lilshortgirlsays: we went to chuckie cheese's
lilshortgirlsays: played games
lilshortgirlsays: ate pizza
Raeb New: chuck E cheese
lilshortgirlsays: used tokens
lilshortgirlsays: got tickets
lilshortgirlsays: and prizes
lilshortgirlsays: the little boy loved it
lilshortgirlsays: she was bored
lilshortgirlsays: haha
lilshortgirlsays: see!
Raeb New: speaking of little boys
Raeb New: I didn't assume anything
lilshortgirlsays: all makes sense eh?
Raeb New: sure
lilshortgirlsays: sick-o