Nov 24, 2005 22:34
Just wake me up when you FINALLY realize how much u've destroyed me.
How can someone so sweet and caring be such an evil coldhearted person. It doesn't make sense to me. None of this makes any sense.
Just to think that exactly one year ago I was the happiest person in the world and now thanks to the same person who made me that happy I'm broken into a millon pieces. It's so strange how things turn out and how people turn out.
I'm NEVER in my life going to forgive you for anything EVER I'd be surprise if I still wanna be ur friend after this. Why? why? just please make me understand why you choose me to hurt why i never did anything to you. I was always there for you always I always listened to everything you had to say I let you stay with me when you ran away from home i never ever turned my back on you ever.I was always there for you no matter how much it hurt to hear everything. I was the one that told you to go back out with her knowing that I was the one that wanted you I didn't care that I was hurting just as long as you were happy. U took me for granted and you broke me. And ur not thankful for anything. that's all BULLSHIT if you were thankful then you wouldn't hurt me you wouldn't want me outta ur life but you do.. U treat me like shit and it's not fair. I don't deserve it I honeslty don't and that's what hurts soo much and even after the 3 years of hell that i went through I'm still standing here and I'm still here for you. 8 months ago you walked out of my life and ever since it hasn't been the same.. Try being someone's whole life one min. and meaning shit to them the next. It's the worse feeling in the world. you feel like u gotta throw up and it feels like someone literally took a knife and cut your heart in a million pieces you just wanna run away and never come back. and i'm still a fucking dumbass, still here for you EVEN after all this shit..WHY would you wanna hurt someone like me?..instead of making ur life miserable i try helping you so you don't end up bad. the only reason I don't want you to smoke is cuz I don't want you to end up fucked up cuz I care about you and it would hurt me alot to see you end up the wrong way..I only do it cuz I care not to be a bitch i do it out of the goodness of my heart and all you say to me is "it's my life, let me live it" that hurt alot.I'm only trying to return the favor cuz beside all the bad shit you did to me u were caring and you always made sure that I kept my life on track u didn't wanna see me end up wrong sound familiar and I appreciated it u on the other hand are just a bitch about it. I AM thankful for you doing everything you did for me. I can say that I'm thankful and mean it I can say I love you and mean it but you ha to you it's all just a game ur NOT thankful for anything I did for you. I do have a big heart cuz if I didn't I'd hate you I'd make ur life miserble but instead i love you and I don't wish you any bad.
You are a coldhearted person cuz no person with a good heart would EVER do something like this to another person..I don't wish this pain to anyone. I have a big heart cuz I would NEVER do anything like this to anyone EVER EVER EVER. You are the other hand did. I don't know how you can sit there and live ur life when you have just destroyed another persons life and how the hell do you live without consicense(sp). And then you don't expect me to think low of you after all the shit u did to me and still are you doing to me are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?!
And after all that I can sit here and say that I love you and I don't want to see you hurt.
*Just think in ur head that the person who you call ur bestfriend the one that put up with all ur shit and was always there for you is the same person whos life you destroyed. Because of you I'll never be able to trust anyone and be able to love them and have a relationship without the fear of them turning out to be like you. thanks*
I'm can't type anymore I'm like crying so hard..