(no subject)

Nov 30, 2004 17:41

Ü• C U R R E N T Ü•-
[ Current Clothes ] my "heather" hoodie, jeans, socks, underwear, bra, tank top
[ Current Mood ] tired and bored and stuff
[ Current Music ] operah
[ Current Taste ]  water
[ Current Make-up ] lipgloss and some coverup
[ Current Hair ] down and its bugging me
[ Current Annoyance ] my insomiac issues
[ Current Smell ] the potatoes cookies
[ Current Desktop Picture ] a buncha pics of me and the family
[ Current Book you're reading ] something about bees (its for 20th century..haha)
[ Current CD in CD Player] my cheering mix and 2 other mixes
[ Current DVD in player] nothing..they are all put away nice and neat!
[ Current Worry ] idk

[ You Touched ] deven
[ You Talked to ] my mom
[ You Hugged ] chris
[ You Instant messaged ] chris
[ You Yelled At ] the cat? haha
[ You Kissed ] chris

-Ü• F A V O R I T E Ü•-
[ Food ] the cheesy scalloped au gratin potatoes and chicken nuggets (which im having tonight!)
[ Drink ] oj, water and grape juice
[ Color ] purple
[ Album ] not sure
[ Shoes ] my rockin DC shoes
[ Candy ] dont eat candy
[ Animal ] dogs
[ TV Show ] the OC
[ Movie ] scary movies
[ Song ] amazed, ive been singing when the sung goes down a lot..haha..too many tho
[Vegetable ] corn
[ Fruit ] apples
[ Cartoon ] spongebob
[ place to be] with chris
-Ü• A R E YOU Ü•-
[ understanding ] I try to be
[ Open-Minded ] sure
[ Arrogant]  I hope not?
[ Insecure ] idk
[ Interesting ] ya
[ Random ] wicked!
[ Hungry ] yup yup
[ Friendly ] ya
[ Smart ] so I'm told
[ Moody ] at times
[ Childish ] sure sometimes..everyone is sometime
[independant] yes and no
[ Hard working ] always
[ Organized ]  WICKED
[ Healthy ] ya
[ Difficult ] sometimes i suppose
[ Attractive ] ur asking the wrong person
[ Bored Easily ]  YES
[ Messy ] no
[ Thirsty ] ALWAYS
[ Responsible ] yup yup
[ Obsessed ] sometimes
[ Angry ] sometimes
[ Sad ] sometimes
[ Happy ] ya
[ Hyper ] sometimes
[ Trusting ] yup yup

[ Slap ] no one
[ Hug ] chris
[ Get High With ] no one, drugs are bad
[ Look Like ] idk
[Talk To Offline] chris
[ Talk To Online ] chris even tho i am now..lol

-Ü• W H O Ü•-
[makes you laugh the most]friends
[makes you smile]friends, family sometimes, and jesse
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them ] butterflies? jesse
[who do you have a crush on? ] no one, no need for crushes when you hava bf
[has a crush on you?] no one...that I know of, who would

-Ü• D O YOU E V E R Ü•-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] sometimes
[save aol/aim conversations] i saved a few this summer!
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex] no
[cry because of someone saying something to you] sometimes, depends who, what they say and all that stuff
-Ü• H A V E YOU E V E R Ü•-
[fallen for your best friend] no
[been rejected] yup yup
[rejected] yup yup
[been cheated on] not that I know of
[done something you regret] ya a few things i guess

-Ü• D O YOU Ü•-
[smoke cigarettes] nope, yuck!
[could you live without the computer?] NO!..haha
[color your hair] i get highlights
[ever get off the computer] ya
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?] 150 i prolly had more but i accidently deleted my whole list and had to start all over again..oh man was i grr..haha
[drink alchohol?] no
[like watching sunrises or sunset] sure...sunrise is pretty early tho but oh well..haha
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?] for the most part emmotional pain...I'm really sensitive
[get involved with after school stuff ] im in some groups
[make a fool out of yourself often? ] not on purpose but yeah prolly..haha

-Ü• # O F Ü•-
[Times i had my heart broken] a couple
[hearts i've broken] idk 1 that i know of for sure..lol
[close friends i have ] a couple
[CDs i own] idk..i dont buy em...radio hello!
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