Mar 23, 2004 16:58
pardon me but i HAVE TO vent.......
Let me just start by saying... my prom dress sucks! Here's the story.... i met my mom, brit and lori after school at Brennan's to pick up my dress b/c it had been altered. So i go in there and put it on to make sure it fits. First of all, i went to order my dress at the beginning of Janurary and they called me about 2 weeks after that and told me they couldn't get it in the color i wanted - bright pink. So i was pissed and the lady showed me this different dress in another color so i could order mine in another color instead... and the one she showed me was really pretty. So i was still bummed but i figured it wouldnt be that bad. Well the called right before i went to Hawaii (which by the way was 2 weeks AFTER my dress was supposed to be there) so i had to go get it fitted and see it. When they pulled that thing out of the bag i just about hit the floor, it's quite possible the ugliest color i've ever seen and it DOES NOT look like the dress that lady showed me. So here we go back to being pissed off.... very very pissed off. But what can you do? nothing. so the alterations lady comes out and does Rachel's alterations and is being difficult to work with and then she starts doin' mine. Ok first of all this had to be a 50 year old black lady and if you've seen the movie Radio... they talk EXACTLY the same and second she wouldn't listen to a word i said and of course i'm just "a stupid teenager" and my mom wasnt there and ahhhh it was stressful. Anyways... of course my dress was too big b/c i had to order a bigger size b/c my stupid boobs are ginormous and it ends up being big on the boobs.... so my dress "laces up" in the back (no it's not lacy or anything weird) well there's a string that laces up and pulls the front so it fits right and blah blah well my straps were too long so the lady was supposed to move the hooks up on the strap and me and Rachel's mom specifically said about 10 times "DO NOT cut the straps" (ps- the Radio-talkin lady couldnt say straps... she called them scraps). Well i go today to try the dress on and make sure they did everything right and stuff, i'll be damned it they didnt cut the "scraps" off!!! i was livid. it took ALL i had not to bust into tears b/c i was so mad. Not only did they cut them... they cut them SOooooo much that they only laced up 1/2 way. So i'm enraged and walk out of the dressin room to find somebody to yell at b/c my "scraps" are about 10 inches too short and wont even lace up anymore... and I SEE A GIRL ACROSS THE STORE IN THE SAME DAMN DRESS IN BRIGHT PINK LIKE I WANTED. that was just about the most mad i've ever been in my life and that's sayin alot. well lets just say my desires to cry and kill somebody were VERY strong at this point. So i find the stupid alterations lady and she says the "scraps" have not been cut. My ass! they dont magically shrink. and then the lady that helped me order the dress came over (the same one who told me "we cant get the bright pink one") and started tryin to help and i went off on her b/c of the girl in the pink dress that i want sooo sooo freakin bad and then she got mad and walked away. UGHHHHHHH. this afternoon has sucked royally!!!!!! To make a long story short, they have to order a new "scrap" from Alyce and they said it could take up to a week and a 1/2 to get here.... well HELLO my prom is a week from saturday. so i know i'm gonna end up in brennans on prom saturday havin' to get my "scraps" and have them altered again all in the same day. did i mention that saturday is brennan's BUSIEST day. yeah this is not gonna go over well. Oh and i ended up talkin to the girl in the pink dress like mine... turns out she goes to Davie. So not only did i NOT get the color i wanted but i have to see somebody else wear it and see mine in the lovely SALMON color that it is. AND she told me emily has that dress too in black which i already knew... but YAY... 3 of the same dress at Davie Prom.. WHATEVER!!!!! i give up on stupid prom dress. i mean at least that isnt my prom, so i dont really care that much.... but Hopefully nobody will have it at my prom.. fat chance though... since it's the most popular Alyce prom dress this year. WAY TO GO LINDSAY on pickin out a dress. well screw brennans and their prom dresses.
went to chili's for dinner which was a good thing... but i have loads of homework to do and i have to do it before One Tree Hill so that's all for now....
looking forward to this weekend