
Jan 07, 2002 15:57

A wise monkey never monkies with another monkey's monkey!

You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same

I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good night

God made elks, god made deers, God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS

I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!!

If ur naughty go 2 ur room..
If u wanna be naughty, go 2 mine

God created men first, cause you always make a rough draft before a masterpiece!

The more I get to know guys, the more I like dogs

do u believe in love at first site? or should i walk by again?

guys r pigs ...... n of course i always get the runt

831-8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning, I love you

You're only bad if you're caught... So that makes me a good girl, RIGHT!?

he broke my heart, so i broke his jaw

If you love your man set him free....if he don't come back you know hes with me!

you think ur so cool-- u think ur all that-- well ppsshhh--- whuts up with that?

its much easier to apologize then it is to get permission

girls are so complex, they confuse themselves

Life isn't a stop being a hoe!!!

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