Apr 03, 2005 15:47
This is a lot of posting for me. Friends, enjoy it now because I've never kept up with any sort of journal regularly for more than a few weeks EVER, in my whole life... haha. So, I got basically no sleep last night, but it was worht it on both ends. Last night Susan and I watched basketball and started making a music video to our favorite song - we are silly girls. We also planned our trip to Europe for 2007. Haha. I really am going - I want to see Europe SO bad, and what could be better than a 3 weeks getaway with the best roomie EVER?!?! I also explained to her yesterday that despite how little I study, I study approximately 10x more now than I did last year, and so she should be proud of me. Or something like that!
Today I woke up early so I could go to church with James, which was nice since I don't go to church down here regularly. I always want to but I have trouble waking up, and then sometimes finding rides or deciding where to go is difficult. But he grew up Methodist, and so did I until I went to Grace in 7th grade, and the Methodist church is walking distance from us, so we went. I liked it. I definately am going to have to figure out where to go to church in the summer when there's no IV and stuff, so it'll probably there, ESPECIALLY if I don't have a car! Now I have lots of work to do - not too much that's urgent, but just all of April is filled with projects and tests and such. April is my least favorite month. Ever. Maybe I'll hibernate for the next 27 days? I know that wishing time away is bad and I should enjoy all of it, but I tend to like to wish away Aprils. Althoooough... Aprils will comprise about 1/12th of my life, and that adds up, so I guess I should suck it up and find some good in April. Maybe if the sun would shine that would help.
Well, I have avoided doing work for almost an hour of work after doing only an hour of work, so I need to get back to that. I think an impossible econ problem set is calling my name... hey, if you read this leave a note because I wonder if anyone does? Haha. Plus I like comments.