Oct 06, 2004 22:12
Today was a very busy and eventful day. First I had my v ball game which I was dreading because somehow my older bro. found out I had a game today and was goin to bring a camera and embarrass me. As usual. And he did. I got to play, i was sooo nervous and scared at first, but then I had to remind myself that it was just like practice and could do it. So I focused and did ok. I got a kill nad an awesome dig. I just wish I could serve. The good thing is that now I feel more comfortable in games.
Also today were the Rent auditions. SO i walked in the theater with Linn and Kyle expecting to do a little dance number, and that would be it, but nooo that didnt happen. I found out that I had to SING! and say a monologue. Well I completely refused to do that, well, because i cant sing! But no oh no , my dear friends decided to literally drag me up on the stage and I sang How Wonderful Life Is. I was really nervous before but after I got over it I was happy that they had made me do that becauuse I always end up not doing things because i'm scared. I have great friends :o) I hope I get a part in it though. I might not since I sucked.
i'm really tired ::yawn::