My turn to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
May 2008 bring you Joy, Happiness, Love, good Health and anything else you wish for.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and great presents (and also wanted to give a special hug to the ever lovely and thoughtful
siriala- I know this is a hard time of the year for you and keep my fingers crossed that you enjoyed yourself at least a little bit).
Now. Is everyone safely seated ?
Guess what I got for Christmas ? Go on, guess.
I'm sure you will never find out.
OK, I'm not writing this down to make anyone sick with envy.
I just want the whole world to know that I have the best sister in the world. Who got me tickets to see Othello. How she managed to find some, what she had to do to get them, I don't know (I shudder to think about it ;)
So I'm off to London tomorrow and on Saturday afternoon I'll be watching drooling over our Ewan. I was so not expecting it it still seems unreal... but I'm sure this will not remain so for long !
And I promise I will tell you everything about it when I come back !