I finally got my puppy Saturday morning from North Carolina, a 7 hour flight and he has definitely been quite a handful. Just the fact that we live in an apartment scares me so much that the neighbors will complain to the landlord. I knew it would be alot of work, but knowing it and experiencing it are two completely different things. Waking up at 6:30am every morning and trying to get him to calm down and making sure he doesn't "escape" through our makeshift barriers has been difficult. He is actually a pretty good puppy to be honest and doesn't bark too much. It has been fairly easy to housebreak him and yes he does to bad things like biting but it's because he's teething. My cousin said there is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. For the most part I believe that is true except when some dogs are just born with behavioral problems that can't be fixed. I guess it's especially difficult since both of us have never raised a dog or puppy in our lives before so we are trying out different things (any suggestions are accepted). :)
While going through the Sunday madness and middle of the night craziness, I actually thought in my head "what if I can't do this? what if I have to sell him?" I know, a horrible thought. He is definitely quite a challenge and has made me realize that I am not ready for a child, not that I'd want one now anyways but I feel as if it's similar. Honestly, I don't now if I "love" him yet. He's definitely cute and makes it hard to discipline him haha. I seriously felt like I was going crazy these past couple of days until I finally had an emotional breakdown this morning. It's hard for me to stay in the apartment for so long without going out and running on so little sleep. Literally I've been taking naps the same time as him haha. Thank you traci for being so supportive and understanding of me and again I apologize for snapping at you. I know you aren't obligated to take care of the dog, but you do anyways and it has helped me so much. And he is YOUR dog too so do whatever you want with him haha I don't care. But yeah, hopefully tomorrow and the next couple weeks are easier. My family is expecting alot out of me with this so I know I have to prove to them that I can do this...
too lazy to rotate. and he's only about 12" long, 10wks old.