Dec 15, 2005 11:59
Firstly, let me humor you all--
Self control is 8%.... shocking right? haha.
DMB the other night was amazing!! We had quite a fiasco getting down there and I feel terribly about my friend Jackie losing her tickets. However, when we did get there, my little brother and his friend met this ticket seller from Ebay and ended up getting SEVENTH ROW SEATS! So Janine and I took their original seats which were in the 100 level to the side of the stage. They were pretty awesome seats and we had a great time. It was the first night I wasn't worried about a paper, what I had to get done before next semester, etc. While one might say the encore was a little lacking, the set was excellent!
Speaking of next semester, I think I might actually have a place to live. A friend of mine-Jan from English classes, had a problem with her roommate this semester and she is moving out next semester. So she mentioned to me that the place in the room would be opening up, and asked if I was interested in moving in so I said sure. Its pretty much a done deal! I'm pretty excited to actually have a roommate I know and like, and my best buds Sam and Matt as down the hall neighbors!<3
Yesterday I went up to talk to the chair of the Education Department about student teaching. She gave me the paper work- and it basically comes down to this! All I need to do is try and take some kind of "G" class this summer or next year- and take Media over the summer. The 3 Education classes count as my "D" class. YES! This is good news- as long as I do relatively well in my classes I can graduate on time WITH teaching certification! After talking with her, I hung out all night at Matt and Sam's and played board games with them and their group of friends-- it was a good FRIENDLY environment and definitely what some of us needed. Earlier in the evening I ran into the lounge and jumped onto a couch and hit my head on the wood- I think I might have had a minor concussion which sucks but I am okay now. I just kept talking and didn't pass out. Sam, being the bestest of friends he is was very nice to take care of me.
My parents are having a party tomorrow night so that should be cool and than this weekend I'll have to figure out what is going on, depending on work. Hopefully all goes well and I'll see ya soon people<3<3