
May 16, 2014 08:05

Last weekend, I drove out to Stonehouse Farm to have a relaxing weekend away from the city. I knew the weather would be beautiful even with some cool nights, but I was staying in a yurt (with electricity) so I knew I would be OK.

The drive out was fantastic. No traffic, and once I got out of the city, the roads were clear. My favorite kind of driving. Empty country roads and my music. It was perfect.

I got to Stonehouse about 115pm last Friday, and helped out a bit there. I cleaned the general store and then I watched the gardeners plant flowers. (I tend to avoid planting things. I am not so good with plants.) It was so pretty out there. The weather was mild, the sun was out, and the sky was bright blue. My favorite kind of day. There were wildflowers and dandelions everywhere. I think they’re pretty, but I know most people don’t care for them.

I got a chance to see honey bees being transported to their new home! I even wore a bee suit. That’s something I never thought I’d get to do. It’s not even something that even crossed my radar. But it was really cool.

Honey right off the comb is the purest, sweetest thing imaginable.

Later, we all went out to dinner, and that night, I turned in to the sounds of nature at night and stars twinkling in the sky.

Saturday was a lot of relaxing, reading, writing, napping, sunning myself, and enjoying nature, peace, and calm.

We didn’t go out to dinner this time, instead preferring to raid the fridge in the general store and share leftovers from the night before. The night was milder, so it wasn’t as much of a hardship when the middle of the night bladder call woke me up!

Sunday morning, I did a yoga practice, ate some breakfast (preserves and Nutella on toast, and fresh pineapple), and headed back to the city. I felt refreshed and rejuvenated and grateful.

I had a wonderful mini-retreat weekend and cannot wait to head back to Stonehouse Farm this summer.

(Originally posted at Comment here or there.)

spring, pictures, vacation

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