Nov 11, 2010 17:44
Omg! So many things going through my head, I just have to write. First things first, the Harn museum finally emailed me back, but there email said it was for students, thus unpaid. Poo!! I emailed them back stating, due to financial reasons (and the fact that I am no longer a student...feels so weird to say that). Oh well! That's life. I'm over that now, on to newer things. I'm thinking instead that I will stay in Daytona for that year and half and teach ESL. Not too sure how I feel about that. But I gotta do what I gotta do. I need to start saving money, if not Grad school will be a bitch.
Which brings me to somewhat exciting news. I was talking with Katrina the other day and she really put it all into perspective for me! <3 Katrina!! So as we were talking, she was telling me to start emailing Professors that I would be interested in doing research with. So I started that today (while at work, lol). I found that Northwestern University want a 1400 for the GRE...eww. Plus, there is only one Professor who I wouldn't mind working with, but still not too many options there. So I think Northwestern is OUT! But University of Hawaii at Manoa had so many options. Almost every professor there I'd love to work with. So I think that will be my first choice :) Then will be Cornell University. Honestly, if I got accepted in Hawaii and Cornell, I don't know which I would choose...they have such different, but fascinating programs! But man, it kinda lit the fire under my butt about Grad school. I'm thinking I will start to read some of these professors' work (papers, books, etc) to see who I'd really love to work with.
Also, Thanksgiving is coming up soon! I think it's 13 days now until I go home! Yay! I'm surprised at how much I miss home. I don't recall missing it this much when I was in Japan. lol! oh wells! I am excited :D But I have to make sure that while I'm home I see my Doctor at some point. I've had this headache now for a little over 2 weeks, I'm kind of nervous about it. I mean, it's always there, sometimes really painful and other times its just a little headache to where I can ignore it. I wonder what it could be. I tried calling my doctor today, but she said she'd call me back. Still nothing. I guess I'll just call tomorrow annoying. I hope its not serious because I really don't want to go to the doctors here. Although, maybe I can see who Mara's doctor is...and see if they take my insurance. I suppose that's a possibility.
And the last thing I need to vent this roommate situation. At first, it was awesome, but now I'm over it. I wish it was only me and Mara here sometimes, because we get it. We know how to be roommates. Alex, is messy as fuck and sometimes Adriana is super loud and when I have a pounding so does not help. Don't get me wrong, I like both of them a lot! I have so much fun with them...I just don't want to live with them. I must say though, it's funny to watch Adriana and her friend Jeily. They are so self-absorbed sometimes. They are always looking at themselves in the mirror; looking at photos/videos of themselves, etc. It's crazy! Am I like that? I hope not! I'll have to try and see if I am...hmm...