(no subject)

Feb 27, 2006 12:42

"Spend all your time waiting for that second chance...for a break that would make it okay. Theres always some reason to feel not good enough."

I've realized something that for me it's not hard to not care what "they" think or ever thought of me. Some people they make themselves sick, physicall, mentally, emoitonally because they don't feel pretty enought, beautiful enough, skinny enough. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is sad really it is. Even those who seem to be perfect on the outside, they arent happy. Every person has one flaw they could easily pick out. The thing is you have to be able to live with that. To get up every day telling yourself that you are as good as everyone else. That you can face the world. The world is so messed up today. If only you could take a walk in someone elses shoes. You would never make fun of someone after knowing what they aregoing through in life.

Sometimes i feel like i am the biggest procastenator in the entire world.

Lol that last sentence is really sad because i put of this lj entry even. wow.

Do you ever let something go that bugs you about someone long enough, that by them even doing something that slightly bothers you is going to set you off, well i'm there. one wrong look or word,ahh! take out the freakin trash and dont give me shit about it. seriously. I need this spring break for that reason and that reason only. for the sake of my sanity. and that is all. its not like i dont know when you go in the other room to say something about me.

argh. you were right, you should continue to hate those stupid people. lol. well i am in for a nap. i have to take a quiz for speech class and print of the notes so i can fill them in when she gives them in class. i also have to put my speech onto note cards. to go to the gym tonight or to not go to the gym tonight, that is the question.

so 5 days until Toronto with amy, G and erin w! woot! it should be a good time! im excited!

i get to see adam in two days! woot! he is coming up here on wed. day! and then taking me to flint on thursday night. im so excited to leave for toronto on sat, but ill miss adam.

i had an awesome weekend volunteering at Spring Hill! im really excited and i hope that i get the job at the indiana spring hill. an entire summer just dealing with little kids. it will be nice.

well im off to take a nap.

Don't forget that it will all be ok in the end, if it isnt ok, then its not the end.

p.s. you are never to old to dance in the rain, wish upon a shotting star, or just act like the child you are at heart. a child's love is the purest.
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