Since Mel Tagged me...

Aug 23, 2005 01:13

Bold whatever is true for you, leave it plain if it's not true, italicize it if you wish it were true, bold and italicize it if you wish it weren't true. Also, leave your own comments in [brackets], and add one of your own at the bottom. Then tag four of your friends. Have fun!

- I miss somebody right now.
- I don't watch a lot TV these days. [Mainly only an activity I do when I become a hermit at school]
- I own lots of books. [Mostly books I was required to read for school, or ones I bought when I was little.. and a few more here and there now.]
- I wear contacts or glasses. [I have glasses, but I actually like them, especially since I only wear them when I want to.]
- I love to play video games. [I'm not too good at them though, but I love playing them if I have someone to play them with.]
- I've tried marijuana.
- I have been in a threesome.
- I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
- I believe honesty is usually the best policy. [Usually.There can be exceptions I suppose.]
- I curse sometimes all the time. [Sometimes all the time? 0_o Anyways....Mostly when I'm at home because my brothers and dad curse a lot. When I'm at school I hardly ever do out loud.]
- I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. [lessons were learned, experiences were people were met...<3]
- I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. [no, but pepper spray!]
- I'm TOTALLY smart. [I'm not stupid, but I'm not toally smart either, so I'm not sure how to bold/italicize/whatever that question]
- I've broken someone's bones. [no, but ben used to call me finger breaker in high school.. =P]
- I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. [I think everyone has some secret... I can't think of one off the top of my head though.]
- I'm paranoid at times. [It's definately true.. I especially worry about my kitty.]
- I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. [no thank you.]
- I need money right now. [To go see my kitty]
- I talk really, really fast. [lol, I do that if I'm excited and telling a story, and also when I get really nervous.]
- I have fresh breath in the morning. [LOL what kind of question is that?!!??!]
- I have long hair.[*tear* if you had asked me this a month and a half ago I could have just bolded it and been happy..=(]
- I have lost money in Las Vegas.
- I have at least one sibling. [I have 3 older brothers.]
- I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
- I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. [yeah, cuz i'm just girly like that. =P]
- I like the way that I look. [although I wouldn't change anything about myself really... I don't think too much of myself in that department.]
- I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
- I know how to cornrow.
- I am usually pessimistic.
- I have a lot of mood swings.
- I have a hidden talent. [And I can't tell you what it is! Mwahaha! <--- lol I liked that answer mel...]
- I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. [I used to be like that when I did gymnastics.. which is why everyone always joked about me spiking my fruit.]
- I have a lot of friends. [nope.  I have a lot of aquaintences.. but only a few really good friends.. but that's all I need =)]
- I am currently single.
- I enjoy talking on the phone. [especially to my kitty...he makes me feel all snuggly.]
- I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. [lately it's been basketball shorts, but if it were winter, it would definately be true, as long as I was at home all day]
- I like to shop. [Only for things like CDs... all other shopping... *shudders* I'm scared of.]
- I would rather shop than eat. [okay, if someone bolds this....they're fricken insane.]
- I would classify myself as ghetto.
- I'm obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal. [I used to be more-so... but then happened. =P]
- I don't hate anyone. I dislike them. [Yeah, hate is a strong I always say.]
- I'm a pretty good dancer.[LOL funny. I sooo wish.  I have the gracefulness of a robot or something.]
- I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my grandmother. [naw, my grandma is funny. lol]
- I have a cellphone.
- I believe in (a/some) God(s). [I don't really have a preference.  I don't believe and I don't not believe...]
- I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. [I never want to get to that.. EVER.. in my lifetime.
- I've rejected someone before. [mrooow...]
- I currently love someone. [and I love him more than anything
- I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. [I have a broad idea... but not a specific one.]
- I want to have/adopt children in the future. [most definately. =)]
- I have changed a diaper before.
- I've called the cops on a friend before.
- I'm not allergic to anything. [Well, not that I know of.]
- I have a lot to learn. [doesn't everyone?]
- I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger. [okay, that's even outside of MY age range.. and mine is pretty big. lol]
- I'm online 24/7, even as an away message. [lol yeah, pretty much. ]
- I have at least 5 away messages saved. [I have a lot...mostly RvB ones.]
- I have tried alcohol or drugs before. [I have tried alcohol.  It's way over-hyped.]
- I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past. [that is sooo wrong.]
- I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal. [lol that's what procrastinators do, isn't it?]
- I would die for my best friends. [Probably.]
- I watch soap operas whenever I can.
- I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist. [I'm pretty easygoing =P]
- I have used my sexuality to advance my career. [lol yeah, I totally hit on my gay supervisor 2 years ago, even though I knew he was gay.  As you can see, I didn't get anywhere. =P [/sarcasm] just kidding!]
- I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story". [uhhm.. what the heck is that?]
- Halloween is awesome because you get free candy. [who doesn't love free candy?]
- I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. [I would like to stop hearing about spongebob everywhere.. cuz it brings back memories. lol good and bad alike.]
- I have dated a close friend's ex.
- I like surveys/memes. [they're good for procrastinating! memes especially cuz they take little to no work.]
- I am happy at this moment. [I couldn't ask for anything to make my life better at this moment.. except to be with him]
- Democrat.
- Conservative Republican.
- I go for older guys. [I don't go for anyone in particular...I just...let my heart guide me.]
- I study for tests. [Cram is more like it.<-- I'm with you Mel!]
- I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
- I can work on a car.
- I love my job.
- I am comfortable with who I am right now. [I have been for quite awhile.]
- I have more than just my ears pierced.
- I walk barefoot wherever I can.
- I have jumped off a bridge.
- I love sea turtles.
- I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup. [LOL! yeah, I totally own tons of makeup even though I don't ever wear any.]
- I believe in prophetic dreams.
- I plan on achieving a major goal/dream. [One day.. and I can look back and be proud.]
- I am proficient on a musical instrument. [Hmm... I was pretty good at trumpet back in the day ^-^.. and hope to be in guitar in a few years]
- I worked at McDonald's restaurant.
- I hate office jobs.
- I think water is delicious. [<3 Dihydrogen Monoxide.<--agreed.]
- I went to college out of state. [although sometimes I wish I had... just so I could be with Mike. lol probably not a good enough reason to pick a school though =P]
- I am a pyro.
- I have thrown up from crying too much.
- I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved. [I think it happens a lot. People walk all over me.]
- I like kisses. [ROWARRRRRRRR..
- I fall for the worst people and have been hurt almost every time.
- I adore bright colors.
- I love Dear Abby.
- I think school is awesome. [I wish I did.. and I'm sure Mike wishes he did too. lol ]
- I think pigtails serve a purpose.
- I don't know why I just did this stupid thing.
- I usually like covers better than originals.
- I don't like multi-textured ice cream.
- I watch Food Network way too much.
- I love coaching youth sports.
- I can pick up things with my toes. [talented aren't I?!?!?! *beams with pride*
- I can't whistle. [yeap I definately can.]
- I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes' slither.
- I have ridden/owned a horse. [In hawaii! and once before.. when they made me ride with Harry =P]
- I still have every journal I've ever written in. [yeap. I do.]
- I can't stick to a diet.
- I talk in my sleep. [hehehe.. Mike experienced that one last night. =P SOWWIIESS
- I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
- I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. [*nods* If only that made the hurt go away...]
- Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time. [It was sooo my favorite thing to do when I was a kid...climb the tree and just sit in there and eat all the fruit.   and surprisingly, I never fell out of one.]
- I have jazz in my blood.
- I wear a toe ring.
- I have a tattoo.
- I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
- I am a caffeine junkie. [only on occasion.]
- I know who Santos L. Halper is.
- I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.
- I love wrestling. [I'm not sure what type of wrestling this is referring to, but mat wrestling was fun, and I also like to play wrestle. =P]
- I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
- If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
- I cosplay or know what cosplaying is. [I don't cosplay, but I know what it is.]
- I have been to over 15 conventions.
- I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
- I'm proud of at least one original work I created more than five years ago.
- My idea of breakfast is a can of Coke when I wake up.
- I don't mind generic soft drinks one bit.
- I play MUDs and enjoy them over MMORPGS.
- I am a girl and have hair that doesn't even cover my ears.
- I have something I should be doing but I'm not. [ cleaning my room?]
- I can pull one foot over my head. [dude, I would be so cool if I could do that!]
- I like/love punk, indie, hard, and gothic rock, metal, emo, and screamo.
- I like chicken. [meow mix, meow mix, please deliver?]
- I believe in super people.
- I'm bad at tennis. [but Mike will fix that.. right? riiiight?]
- I have mastered the art of multitasking. [pretty much, except the talking [(in person and on the phone) and chatting online.]
- I use google every day. [it's so nifty and handy!]
- I regularly dye or bleach my hair.
- I have an unnatural affection for cake--whether the fluffy lovely baked good or the band or both, specify.
- My favourite music is music produced in another country and/or in a different language.

I'm going to skip the tagging since I don't really know anyone on LJ....and Mel already did it =P
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