...this update is dedicated to Q-tip. =P
So nothing exciting to report on my end. Basically I just got done with midterms last week, and I have finals next week.... AND THEN I'M HOME!! I'm so excited to see you guys!! and my Dog! Oh, and I guess my parents and brothers too =P
Hmm...I got my first paycheck today! It was like.. really small. hahah. ah well, better than nothing.
Oh! I never wrote about what happened when Quintin came, but I'm sure you all read his journal anyways and heard about it. My brothers came and I wasn't able to hang out much with him. *Sigh* Sorry Q-tip.
I made a subprofile again! check it out!!
I had the most awesome week last week!!
I'm doing better in school! YAY!
*enter more random things here*
yeah.. sorry I don't update much anymore.. I've gotten uber lazy...and busy...and have nothing to say...and I'm so sorry for not commenting on your journals!! I'll go around and do it tonight since I barely have anything to do tonight ^_^ EE! It's great to be back in the world of xanga. Now I'm done rambline.. have some pictures!!
<-- bad pic of me and Jonas =P
I scanned this in last night... one of the pics Chris gave me in that flipping photo album...God, I miss all you guys so much. Lets go back to high school!!!