(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 21:41

well, i know i haven't written in forever, and for some reason, unknown to me, i feel the sudden urge to write. so here it goes.
i don't know if it's just me but is anyone else scared to go to college? i'm probably just being stupid, i mean for goodness sakes i'm only going to svsu, and i'm still going to be in town. i'm crazy. i think what scares me the most is now being out on my own pretty much...u know? not having mom and dad looking over me, and helping me when times get tough. i think right now, this is really when i need them the most. i know, most people are so happy to be getting out of the house, and away from their parents, and their siblings. but really i love my mom and dad, and even my "little" sister. they are the best people in my life, and have helped me to be who i am today. stupid i know, but it's just going to be so different to not be able to just talk to my mom, or go to breakfast on saturday mornings with my dad, or just do silly things with my sister. i know i will still be able to do all these things, it's just that it's going to be so different. i have been in quite the sheltered environment, and not in a bad way at all, i really don't think that i would change my younger years for anything, i really am totally and completley okay with the person i am today, and the amazing friends that i have. it's just that i won't be with those amazing people anymore, i can't just run over to jess' house, or call her up whenever i need. when college comes in like less then a month, i can call her, but who knows when she'll be able to call me back to talk, like really talk like we do now, whenever we're together. or the way that kelli, jess and i can sit and practically say nothing but know everything about each other, when we're happy, sad or whatever it may be. it will be weird to be away from that. jess and kelli are going to be like 3 hours away, that's a huge difference from the 5 minutes it takes me to get to either of their houses. i'm going to miss that so much, i know i will get used to it, but jess and kelli will have each other, and i am still here in saginaw. i am not saying that in a bad way at all, i am not upset at my decision to stay here in saginaw, i really do love being at svsu, the campus, the dorms, everything, it's just going to be a huge change, and i know i can handle it, but wow things are changing, and i really do hate how things can change so quickly. they can change overnight, or over a long period of time, and i think that really the real reason why it's hitting me now on all of this, is because i was calculating things earlier, like how soon things are. i leave for ludington on monday. we have been planning this since like christmas, and it's just weird to think that we're going in like 2 days. i think overall i really have not prepared myself for any of this, it's just really weird to realize that it's here, and the end of summer is really only a couple of weeks away...wow

well i really feel better....kind of, not really though..o well...later to anyone who actually reads this
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