Apr 18, 2006 21:48
i feel horrible simply and puthtically horrible..
i feel as if i am losing my bestest friend! i dont know why? but i do and it hurts
i miss her i havent talked to her in like a week or hung out or anything..
i dont know what it is but things just feel different around her like im constantly dong something wrong and she gets mad and that worries me cause we ddint used to fight like we do now we were like 2 peas in a pod...
but now :(((((((((((((((((((((
i feel awful... i feel as if im missing a whole big part of me..
i dont know but i miss the shit out of her.. :(
but on the good hand me and David are doing GREAT!
he went to church with me on Sunday. he looked soo freakin cute he had a button up shirt on and nice pants and boot and stuff and he smelleed reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly good.. ;p;
on the 27th itll be 3 months. it dont feel like it does it?>
i like it tho he is like perfect... lol
i had a goood day i hungout with him, kels, K and matt, joe, phillp etc.. the gang they played basketball and me kels and K rode around in Joes pimpin yukon boomin on his system it was sexy well i got to get off here in gettin a phone call ;)
it feels good to have things going kind of right except for the whole losingmyfriendcauseimsuchabadpersonkindofthing [ ha betcha cant read that one]