Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About YouThe Basic StuffName?:Ashley Lauren Begley Age?:16 almost 17 Height?:5'9 ish Weight?:unknown.. Birthday?:1-11-89 Birthplace?:clark regional Current Location?:desk chair. lol School/Grade?:grc 11th Zodiac Sign?:capricorn Chinese Zodiac Sign?:i dont know Righty or Lefty?:lefty Haircolor?:red Eyecolor?:blue Skin Color?:pinkish About YouWhat's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?:parents- leia and david, and pets Any Pets?:yes, 3 dogs baiscally, bj, buster, and hunter, and abby and horses and cows but im not naming all them If So What Are They?:^^ Favorite Relative?:aunt Least Favorite Relative?:papaw What's Your Heritage/Race?:im white Political Affilation?:i dont care Love & SexSexuality?:STRAIGHT- i love boys Are You In A Relationship Now?:nope If So, With Whom?:your mom For How Long?:ever Are You In Love?:sure am Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?:yes Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?:eww nope cant say that i have How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?:about 5 Virgin?:yes If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?:.. Was It Enjoyable?:... What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?:haha thats none of your business Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?:my neck!! hahaha yeah bout that Best Love Quote?:you can love me but dont leave me Your FriendsBest?:bethany ellen smahaj How Many Do You Have?:1 true BEST friend but lots of just friends More Guys Or Girls?:guys pretty much Love Them All?:of course i do they my homies Any You Wish You Were Closer To?:yes Oldest?:bryan hall Newest?:ingrid larrett Pen Pal?:i dont have one Friends And Words: Associate ThemPen:savannah mize Flower:whitney berryman Pink:whitney berryman Window:bethany Heart:beth Mother:my mom Bread:brittany Insane:bethany Sunglasses:chad lawson Pimp:matt altman Cross:zac combs Lonely:me Car:david Music:matt This Or ThatBoxers or Briefs?:boxers Thongs or G-Strings?:thongs Shorts or Pants?:pnats Shoes or Barefeet?:barefeet, i hate hate hate wearing shoes Books or Movies?:movies! Night or Day?:both Dark or Light?:dark Mountains or Beach?:mountains Snow or Sun?:sun Pepsi or Coke?:pepsi Guys or Girls?:guys Swim or Surf?:swim For or AgainstGay Marriage?:against Abortion?:against Bush Getting Re-elected?:for Suicide?:against there are other ways to solve your problems War?:against Pants?:for Clothes In General?:against lol Penises?:for FavoritesColor?:blue Number?:3 and 12 Holiday?:christmas Season?:fall Movie?:cyoti ugly Book?:idk Magazine?:seventten` Food?:taco bell Drink?:ale-8 TV Show?:real world Song?:all of them Band?:creed or nickleback Computer Game?:cabelas grand slam hunting Video Game?:nario bros rac car Anime/Manga?:wtf? Shirt?:ffa shirt Pants?:arizona Actor?:jim carrey Actress?:saundra bullck Singer?:garth brooks Flower?:rose Scent?:boys Animal?:horse Cookie?:chocolate The FutureWant To Go To College?:eku What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:cop??? Want To Get Married?:yes Want To Have Kids?:yes What Would Their Names Be?:laklin wayne skyanne nicole How Many?:3 Where Do You Want To Live?:country Where Do You Want To Get Married?:here How Do You Want To Die?:happy More Stuff About YouPiercings?:yeah about 9 Tattoos?:no Smoke?:no Drink?:yes Do Drugs?:no Skinny Dip?:i have before Greatest Fear?:beinf alone forever Chocolate or Vanilla?:choc Go To Church?:yes Religion?:christian Scars?:lots of em CDs Owned?:2395072650934760397020- Collections?:awards trophies Like To Be Naked?:yeah Ever Eaten Sushi?:yeah it sucked An Entire Case Of Oreos?:ewwi hate oreos Been On Stage?:yeah Danced In The Rain?:yeah Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?:yeah but shh thats kinda nasty Weirdest Dream?:being eaten bvy a puingen Best Dream?:haha not going to get into that one Saddest Dream?:i dont know Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?:being with that boy Think You're Attractive?:sometimes Shoplifted?:yeah i used to be bad bout that but i stoppedd Been Caught "Doing Something"?:whats that mean? Weirdest Makeout Place?:backseat of random boys car in waffle house parking lot at 3 inthe morning!!! Like Thunderstorms?:yes Favorite Shoes?:boots Favorite Quote?:cowboys butts drive me nuts Best Advice Given?:have fun in life Worst Advice Given?:idk Favorite Song Lyric?:everytime you lie everytime i cry What Quote Says Most About Your Life?:back where i come from its corn bread and chicken Glad This Is Over?:hell yes
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