Dec 13, 2008 02:34
Oh how orgasmic! How splendid! How wonderful!
I just took an after-work shower. No, I don't work outside so fuck off if you were going to make that jab. Most of you know, I am a FANATICALLY hygienic person. Fanatic is no exaggeration. I operate properly on two showers a day, sometimes more if it's really hot of I'm particularly stressed.
Taking a shower after work is simply a vital part of my "wind down." Smoke. Shower. Bowl. Beer. Yes, it's the Robyn SSBB recipe for a wonderful day after work.
Thus far, since beginning this job, I've been unable to do that. You see, there is only one working bathroom in my house and it happens to be in the bedroom of two of my community living mates. Since I get off at midnight, they are NEVER awake when I get home. Worse that losing out on that ever-so-important part of my showering routine, I also lose the ability to use indoor plumbing at all. Having "a bladder the size of a teacup"---so says Melisa---this is also a struggle I have daily.
Well Folks, not today. I am so clean and relaxed. Plus, helping my friend house sit also allots me the privilege of internet. Awesome.
Funny the things we take for granted.... Haven't thought since third street that showering, heat and peeing would be things I'd miss so dearly...
In other news, I hate xmas. Despise it---wholeheartedly. Today at work, I spent four hours putting up our donated seven foot tall tree, hanging lights outside and decorating the inside hallways of the shelter....and actually--I enjoyed it.
Not because I've traded in my xmas-nay saying-halloween/st. patty's day-pushing ways. No. The woman who helped me (who happens to be my favorite chick in the house right now) was so into the spirit that it touched me. I believe I reminded her of her older children and helped to remove her thoughts from her two year old daughter that will not be with her for the holidays.
That is what makes my job worth while. Cleaning up baby fetus and refereeing grown women arguing over gummy bears seems irrelevant when you are able to grant so much distraction.
Providing contentment for someone whose world is so engulfed in chaos makes nine dollars an hour seem like too much....
Today reminded me of Virginia for some reason. Sad. Makes me feel so sad...