Feb 12, 2008 14:54
HEY KIDS,how's life treating yah?not too bad at this end! I havent been on in quite some time because everyone is so worried about their myspace page that they dont seem to go on the l/j anymore.If anyones been wondering what the hell i've been up too here it is!!!
didnt think that was coming did ya?yea me eaither lol.Most people I talk to tells me "I aint having kids till im 30"I go yea, well that's what I said.And believe it or not,Two of the people whom told me that are pregnant right now as I speak.Actually I didnt know I was pregnant until I was four months along.Kind of hard to believe,yes I know,but it's so very true.I went in to have a surgery done on my cervix,and they had told me they couldnt do it,because I was pregnant.I didnt think I was that far along at the time.Crazy story huh?well now it turns out im having a precious boy.A little nervous,and scared of the outcome.More of the labor,and delivery than anything.Im just worried something is going to go wrong.My due date is just two days before my birthday,but seeing how im starting to dialate he should be here within a week.It's amazing how I've been out of school for two years and really havent accomplished much,other than having the same damn job as two years ago,and getting knocked up! oh,and I moved out.Well now im working on going back to school,because if I dont.....well I just dont want to be working in a factory the rest of my life.Sometimes I feel like my life is over,and other times I feel as if this is just a new chapter in my life.I have the same damn boyfriend of two in a half years now.Same shit different day.Sometimes I think that we're too much a like that we clash,and other times I think that we're totally two different people.Although we come from the same backgrounds n all,in the ways we grew up,and were raised.I dont know what to think anymore about anything really.I just live life day by day,hope and pray for the best.All them dreams i've had back in high school i've came to realize were just dreams.Lifes a bitch like that though.Take care everyone or anyone who does read this.If anyone wants to get ahold of me my cell number is 586 703-7264! i'll see yah around like a doughnut.MUCH MUCH MUTHERFUCKIN CLOWN LUV BITCHES!peace