i just dont know

Jul 01, 2003 17:39

hey evryone that reads this i have to tell you alot o f shit it all started on friday when my cousin lapeer 2 wayed me ( nextels) and said he had a friend named fuccnin that he wante to hook me up with at first i wasnt to sure but i took a chance and talked to him, at first i wasnt going to say anything bu ti did knowing myself i was mean to him at first that had happen.. then on saturday was jill brother party o what fun we had im not going to get in to that, but kid kept 2 waying me and tryed tot talk to me bu ti was to drunk to talk and i ddint twant everyone knowing that i was drinking fianlly at about 11pm he 2 wayed me back and said i want to tget to know you cuz i have heard a lot about you but i was ok so we started talking then finally i told him i was drunk and i couldnt tal to him and he got all mad at me and wouldnt talk to me i wa slike whatever i didnt care.. then on sunday we finally got to talk me and him like really get to tknow eachother i a lil bit better he is then sweetest guy you will ever meet he, he is a cutie and a sweetie but i dont want to get to close to him :( i just dont know its to good to be true and plus he a playa and shit like that i would have to worry about him all the time so i dont know what to do tell me please wellt aht all that happen pretty much i had to work on monay
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