Aw man, I wanna go to a haunted forest. Instead I'm stuck at work today. But they are allowing us to dress up. We got to dress up yesterday too. I'm a princess, though I'm thinkin' of buyin' wings and bein' a butterfly princess or something. Haha. Um, I can't remember Terry's last name. Oh, nevermind, just remembered. Haha. Yes, I know I'm a dork. And YAY for both of us having great guys!!! We were walkin' through campus yesterday on our way to the parking garage to get into my car and there was a sign that said Can I kiss you? It was promoting some speaker or something. Steve pointed to the sign and said Can I? Hehe. So sweet. We're in that lovey dovey stage, the stage where it's cute to us, but nauseating to everyone else. LOL. Though he hasn't told Allie yet, but I'm gonna try to change that today, because if he doesn't do it soon, I will, and it won't be pretty cuz she's starting to piss me off. She's not really doin' ne thing bad, just sayin' stuff like he's ours. He's not ours, he's mine and I wanna tell her but I can't. Errr. Well I gotta get going. Love ya girl!
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