So family life has been CRAZY INSANE lately! More drama than there ever has been, and trust me, my family can be FULL of drama at times.
Must be a Chiasson/Thorne thing. GREAT! lol
Kinda excited about tomorrow night...but before I say anything I'm going to stop because I always get my hopes up and that tends to happen with me. But I can still dream :)
Okay I have to get this out because I've been keeping this inside for a while now and it's been bugging me... Ya know how when you go to a fair or anywhere where there is music playing and you always see that group of older folk just dancing and having "the time of their lifes" HA :D anywho, when we were at the Fryeburg Fair this year we stayed to watch the music group that was playing that night. As we are sitting in the stands (and this is why I absolutely LOVE my mom) my mom must have been able to tell that I kept looking over at the couples who were dancing because at one point she lead over to me and said, "You need to find a guy who will dance with you like that when you get older because I know how much you like to dance and you need a guy who will be willing to dance with you like that." OMG right after she said that my eyes started to water wicked bad and I had to fight the tears back soo bad! Ah it just hit me like a ton of bricks because, well she's right. I do need that guy who won't care even if we look silly but will still do it because he knows how much I love it and how much it means to me. I think about it all the time too. Maybe that's my problem, I haven't been able to find him yet...

Will I look good if I dye my hair Red? I've always wanted to and I do have red under tones in my hair now. hmm