can't wait

May 15, 2009 23:40

days like this, i cannot wait to graduate and get myself a "real" job. i went to the class of 2009 graduation banquet and convocation this week. its so crazy how fast the years fly by. next year it will be my class. so surreal.

anyway, i find this letter today that was sent last week, saying i owe $273 and some change from the university of maryland medical center. i thought i had been keeping up with paying all my medical bills, so i call them up. so it turns out, i have been paying my doctors bills, but not my hospital bills :( i owe the hospital about $500 now. then i look at my bank account and get depressed. thats a lot of money for a part time hourly wage worker -_-o my last pay check was about $65. i need to stop buying stuff. i don't know what my problem is. i like to spend too much.

rotations start on monday and i am really anxious. i can do the studying and the test taking, but something about practicing that scares me. peoples well-being are at hand. this isn't an actor pretending to be a patient, or a case that a teacher made up for us to practice. my first rotation is at university specialty hospital. patients that have traumatic brain injuries, respiratory failure, and all kinds of comorbid disease states - what a way to start off the summer.

wish me luck! here's to working towards graudation... just one more year!
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