(no subject)

Feb 28, 2008 15:38

what the hell is up with the weather here in florida?

tuesday it was nasty humid
wednesday it was nice and cool
last night it dropped to 30
today is quite chilly

dont get me wrong, i love the cool weather... mother nature, would you please make up your mind. either have it be cold or hot. please dont do the flip-flop thing.... your indecisiveness is getting on my nerves.

saw jumper last night. it was pretty good... nothing amazing. a strictly popcorn flick.

ran 4 miles yesterday, worked my legs, did 150 sit ups (broken up into sets of 25) and my body is one big ball of ache.

jumped on the scale and it came up with one hundred and five pounds!!!

i'm normally not a scale reader, but there is one in the locker room and i couldnt help smiling when i saw that number

saturday morning on the way to a shoot at edward waters college, i pushed my car too far and it pushed back.

my brakes locked up/failed and i ended up at a 45 degree angle head/hood first into a ditch.

the exit i took was literally a 90 degree turn (i'm going angle happy here...) but there was no sign indicating the turn ahead. so when i saw the turn i pushed on my brakes but they didnt want to work so i slammed my foot down and tried to turn... needlessly to say my tires may have gone in the direction i wanted them to go, but i was already skidding over the mud and into the ditch.

fucking joy!

luckily my little rubbermaid green bean is a bloody tank and after i few tries of throwing that bad boy in reverse and getting myself unstuck and out of the mud, i was back on the road.

no damage to the car whatsoever

go figure.

i just dont get it. but hey, i'm happy. and this weekend if its cool enough outside, i may have my dad see what he can do to the tie-rods and cv joints because apparently its not that difficult to replace yourself, as well as looking at my brakes to see if they're worn. if it cant be done then i'm spending my tax return on fixing the said adjustments as well as the alignment.

i blame the ditch incident on a failing front end and the workings that should have worked, but didnt...

on to some other stuff that doesnt suck!

just found out a few hours ago that a piece of mine is in the student show and apparently won in the graphics category

the gallery opening is tonight from 5 to 7

they have free food and wine, so please come!
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