
Dec 14, 2007 19:33

I was driving home from work thinking 'it'd be awesome if I walked in the door and Nick called'
so I get home..he called THREE MINUTES before I walked in the door.
...I started crying and called his mom and luckily she was talking to him.
He called me back and I got to talk to him for a whole 8 minutes =)
That doesn't seem like alot but it is when you haven't heard somones voice in almost a month.
He doesn't think he's going to graduate on time but I think he'll be fine. He's 2 minutes over where their supposed to be on running...fine on sit ups..but like 10 or 15 under on pushups. But their evals aren't till the Wednesday after this one...so I think he'll be fine..... hopefully. He gets to spend this whole week out in the woods doing like fake battles and stuff.
I was only posed to get 3 days @ work this week..but I took a few ppls hours so I'm getting 29 hours now..yay rah.
I guess Gary is going down there with us so that won't make the ride as bad.
I keep forgeting xmas is next week...
We're posed to get like 8 inches of snow this weekend.

3 weeks...
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