Dawn spent the morning face down on her bed, writing letters to her family.
Dear Buffy,
Hi! Things are going well, and I haven't been kidnapped or threatened since I've been here. That's a record, right? I'm noticing that you haven't sent me a letter yet, which I've decided is because you're illiterate and can't find the post office instead of being under attack from the forces of evil. Yes, I know you're not really illiterate. It makes me feel better, so that's what I'm going with. If you sent me a letter I wouldn't have to make up lies about you that I'm spreading all over camp. Just saying.
You'll also be happy to know that I won't be living with Sam for another week or so, since we're in different cabins. He had this weird thing happen where
he couldn't take off his pants for a couple of days, but after
talking to Giles, we traced it back to a bookmark Giles'd gotten from Wesley's father, and Giles told me how to
fix it. Yeah, I didn't know bookmarks could do that either.
It's weird having another you here--especially the you we've got. She's really nice, but focused on boys, clothes, and cheerleading. Seriously, she's setting up a squad. My friend Molly's trying out for it. Plus, she's
still hung up on Ford, and the irony factor there is very high. I'm not being anti-social--I met this boy Peter in the gym, and I think he may
know about swords, so maybe I'll get some practice in.
Isabel (have I told you about Isabel?) is also very nice, but she makes it really, really hard not to meddle in her love life.
Workshops are good, too. I'm taking Archery, Nature Magic (um, taught by Jenny Calendar, and isn't that just a kick in the head?), and
First Aid. All appropriate scoobyrific activities, except for the part where I think I
got into an argument with the Willow here over...Giles? That can't be right. Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be more than just a target.
Um, also, and please don't roll your eyes for this but I told Xander's boyfriend Bridge
the truth. He seemed to take it well.
Anyway, that's it from here. Please write or call so I know you're not dead.
Hey Faith,
Since you're the authority on how boys work, you get a letter. Aren't you proud? I don't know if Buffy told you (or even if you're with Buffy at all--what is it with you guys and a complete inability to communicate? Is it a Scooby requirement?), but I'm kind of
sort of dating a boy here. His name is Dean, and he hunts demons and vampires with his father and brother, Sam, who happens to be my roommate when we're not in cabins. They're both gorgeous, in case you're wondering (pictures should be attached--the one of Sam is from shirtless Friday, which I'd really, really like for you not to tell Buffy about, since I like living). Dean's teaching me
how to use guns and we
hang out a lot together and Sam's in my nature magic class. Neither one is a vampire, even if Dean did spend some time sniffing my neck. Is that normal boy behavior or do I need to worry?
So, the confusing part? I
fixed Molly up with Sam, which sounded great in theory. He's cute and nice, she's cute and nice, they both hunt bad guys...but I feel kind of oogy about it, and I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with
passing notes with him all though Archery. Please don't tell Buffy.
I'm also
learning how to be a ninja from one of my teachers. It's kind of slow, like you might expect, but so far I can sit still for twenty minutes, know which shoes are my sneaky shoes, and have a strange craving for baked goods. Er, don't tell Buffy about that either.
Hi to Principal Wood Robin.
Hi from camp. We're engaged in a prank war with the boys' cabin next door. First, we were
invaded by ducks and shirtless guys singing Rob Thomas (you ever notice how there's never an apocalypse when you really want one?). Then, we retaliated by
carrying them out of their cabin and one of my friends, Isabel, turned their hair different colors. Somehow.
They woke up with colored hair and outside. So naturally they thought we stole their cabins. Wouldn't you? Now we get to yesterday, which started out hopefully, but then
ended up in ruined jammies and being covered in explodinated cheesecake, then a
cold shower and a long hike back to the dorms, where I spent most of the day so I didn't kill anyone with the almighty power of the whine.
Xanders are Xanders, no matter what dimension they're in. Thank goodness.
So, any ideas?
[ooc: Open for interaction.]