Jan 19, 2012 01:58
hello livejournal :)
i've been thinking recently that not worrying about things so much makes life much simpler.. and i like keeping things simple.. so the logical thing would be to not worry! when i go through those occasional pockets in time where i'm not worried, i'm happy and calm and content with how things are so i don't get why i can't just stay there for a while ._.
i've had a really nice time since i've been back in liverpool :) something's happened recently that makes the thought of going home in a few months feel pretty strange and gives me mixed feelings.. but i'm just letting myself enjoy things as they are i guess.
uni work is bugging me as i'm basically still being very lazy with it. i haven't worked towards my dissertation in over a month now so feeling kinda bad about that... pfft.
other stuff is ok tho :) oxfam is still good, so is busking.. i'm gonna go rock climbing again soon so really looking forward to that ^_^
i've been having weird mood swings recently where i've felt like i want to be on my own far more often. maybe it's just a reflex action from being so busy seeing people all the time but it's just pretty odd for me.
whenever i'm feeling restricted in my life there is always a particular song i play that seems to help :) this song changes once in a while though. at the moment it's "black and blue" by christina perri. i think this might have something to do with me having trouble singing it at first and then overcoming that. in fact, i originally wasn't even going to try and gave the song to my friend to sing instead but i wanted to give it a go and now i'm so happy i can hit the notes ^_^ never thought i'd be able to. it's like conquering that insecurity about my voice and expressing it in such an open way really calms me. every time i sing that song i feel ...lighter? maybe that's the right word. i feel like i'm strong and that i've really accomplished something.
one day i want to write a song myself that does that to me. i like my songs a lot but they don't have that much of an effect on me... maybe it's just because i haven't written anything new in a long time.
anyway, that was a long ramble. in short, i'm content :) just need to relax and get on with things remembering that time to myself is fine considering how i always try and put myself in several places at once!
also.. i want more hugs! they're missing right now..
peace, love and no worries!
p.s. you're making me stronger too :) xx