been awhile

May 23, 2007 21:54

I rarely use this thing anymore..I know hardly anyone reads it. Basically this space has become a place I can record some thoughts, look back on them at a later point in time and remember a certain aspect of my life.

I'm in St. George, Utah currently. The move here seems to have been the catalyst to a huge shift in the direction my life was heading. It is certainly for the best. I feel the events that have taken place, though many of them painful and sad, were a much needed push towards independence. I'd like to think I have a better grasp on what it is I want at this point in time. But then again, life has a way of throwing you curveballs when you're expecting a fastball down the middle. Sorry, but it is baseball season. I miss home but at the same time, I feel like I can no longer spend most of my days there. I guess it's the nature of a wildlife tech to roam. I think that's what I'd like to do...for a little while at least. Until grad school that is. That's another adventure unto itself.

But back to many great adventures, it's hard to go into without rambling on and on. Hiking, camping, herps galore, parties, people...when the thought of it ending in a month slightly grazes my brain I instantly become morose. But ending the summer in chicago...friends, parties, baseball games, concerts, food, family...makes the thought of leaving not so dreadful. I miss the city, but love the desert...what's a girl to do.
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