Sep 10, 2005 16:41
A Guide To Shit
By Me.
1. Shit stinks.
2. Don't step in shit, stay away from it.
3. If you somehow manage to accidentally step in shit, the stench will linger with you for some time.
4. Friends are those people who will tell you HONESTLY that the shit you stepped in STINKS and you need to get it off and away from yourself.
5. Once you manage to clean yerself of the shit along with the lingering stink (with the help of yer friends or without), DONT STEP IN SHIT AGAIN! AVOID SHIT AT ALL COSTS!
6. And what can I say, when something like shit stinks, people are bound to talk about it. Cos well, it fuckin stinks, no one made it stink, it did that on its own. Do we not have a right to say, wow that fuckin smells? I believe we do.
7. Shit will stink whether it wants to or not, it just wont change.
8. Shit wont ever be anything other than shit. Well, maybe fertilizer but it stinks even then.
9. Shit can make you feel bad, don't let it. SHIT IT OUT.
10. No one likes shit. It's just not likeable.
metaphor much? yes. you're so vain, you prolly think it's about you.
shit isnt special people.
anyways. i just watched orlando live @ much and i wish i had figured it all out about goin to see him downtown today in the evening. but oh well. too much happening. school is tiring, but its great. the film festival lasts a while, maybe he'll stick around and i'll see him some other time? *fingers crossed* he's fuckin sexy. if not, next year (i say this all the fuckin time, but this time the possibilities are better) i'll volunteer at the festival. considering i'll have all of May off, it should get me bored so i'll look into it at the right time.
hmmm, what else... i've bought just about all my books for school now. so far i've spent, $108.75... thats probably not even remotely bad compared to other peoples expenses. tell me why the two most expensive books were from my fuckin liberal course? fuck expensive books. ugh. i have one more $70 book left, and like 2 novels, and a MLA handbook. meh. i've been managin to find good used books and stuff so the costs have been cut down because of that as well. it's great cos i could barely tell that some of the books i got were used. infact, my friends had to tell me that some of them were used. i woulda never guessed on my own. all the better for me tho. i only have 2 exams. har har. THATS good times. my profs are all sooo hillarious. i have 3 women and 3 men, so equality prevails. im really satisfied how the timing all works out. like my labs fall on good days, i have a lot of time to organize myself and get my assignments done in time.
anyhooooooooooo... i dunno what else to say. if i dramatically change towards certain people, know that its because thats what feels right for ME and if you dont like it, tell me. but that doesnt mean i'll stop the change. im done with being all like "you, you, you" it's time for "me, you, me". yup, thats all for now.