(no subject)

Aug 21, 2005 22:05

recent thoughts of mine...

1. people are SO superficial, yet that only gets them lying to themselves.
2. people lack common sense, the name should be changed to something else, cos i fear it will NEVER be common.
3. people are bad at lying, and consequently should give it a rest.
4. people with secrets are only trying to make people think there's more to them than there really is.
5. obviously copying seems to make people satisfied, tho i dont understand WHAT they can possibly be proud of.
6. neglect is your strong point. i'll make forgetting you entirely mine.
7. people need to help me forget, NOW.
8. new people need to come and love me lol.
9. university better be full of new and improved people, PLEASE.
10. if im a person, why do i feel so alone among all the other people?


university starts for me in 16 days (yea right i did the math, i made a countdown online. check it out in my profile HAHA)i still need to get my One Card as well as my calendar. also i'm gonna try get my bearings on the buildings, since when i try to travel within them i get lost. i guess 3 heads arent better than one? i dont even remember how many heads there were, but there were a couple! officially for the fall term i have mondays and wednesdays off, as well as weekends. i have an easy, spaced out, 4 hour day on tuesday. then 2 6 hour days on thuesday and friday. unfortunately for me, i have start skool at 9 or even 8 depending on the day of the week. ah well, atleast i finish by 5 or 4 (also depending on the day).

my mum is gonna come home in a week. i miss her, but she's gonna bring back goodies, and money from family. woo hoo, here i come ipod mini!! taking care of my sister isnt gettin easier, but i seem to be gettin used to her lack of common sense. i jumped on my trampoline today... it makes me happy, hah. im such a child. deal with it. we rented game cube, so i've been playin on that with her. monkey ball.... ahh yes, kills endless hours of my life that i will never get back. but who cares. not me right now.

to clarify:
Pub Night @ Ram and the Rye is on SEPTEMBER FIRST!
pirate themed
tell me if yer interested/are coming!
dooooooo itttt.

may i add that the dandy warhols amuse me? "we can do this in one toke, take" <3
who has weed? ...shame on you.
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