wah wah wah...

Mar 30, 2005 22:24

so me n my dad have been fighting. he tried to call my cell 5 times today, so that aparently III could aplologize. HAH. he bought me BK today and finally taught me how to change the weird ass lightbulbs in my bathroom. i get to go back to applying make up when i can actually see, AMAZING! i guess things have been smoothed out? *shrugs*

today we had a liturgy and today i was introduced to my new principal... both very unamusing events. NOW i understand why everyone is getting booked for uniform. ew. go back to retirement. sleepy flies were all over the gym. yuck.

my comm tech project is the most pathetic endeavour i have ever undertaken. i have no motivation. my group has diminished. the remaining members are also unproductive. i dont see it getting done, but it has to. we have how many days? like 7 left now? for filming, capturing and editing. im disgusted. this better never happen again. people need to stop being fuckin lazy 24/7!! there were 4 ppl assigned to this for a reason. 2 or even 1 doing stuff for the project is NOT what's supossed to happen. frig.

today when i was attempting to get work done for the pathetic comm tech project, some kids were at the intersection and called my name... and some hairy ass mooned me, mel n george. do i even have to say ew? not only was it cold, but that ass made me wanna hurl. you dont understand, i've never seen a hairier ass in my life. i dont even know who's it was. eww... i'll find out, but do i want to? =S at least it was amusing while it lasted.

i've been "selected" to attend an interview at Ryerson for the Radio & TV Arts program. thank you Ryerson for setting the time at 8:15am on a wednesday. i know i had the phone option, but honestly, i didnt think they'd start earlier than 9. GOSH. 6 am wake up call... and woop dee doo, i get to go back the next day for a field trip. another 6 am wake up call for that. i guess at least Ryerson is startin to feel like home.

look at me (not literally, since yer reading this off of a computer screen at home) i told myself i'd go to bed early today... what a joke. it's like 11 now and im not even near gettin into bed. maybe i should stop writing and get to it.

i feel ugly. i feel fat. i feel unhappy. i feel stressed.
save me from me.
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