Feb 28, 2005 19:28
so i called the scout office today, me, nick, and jacob didn't get a job at camp, and neither did michael redd. me nick and jacob were "question marks" and michael was a flat out no, but still...i think thats gay. supposidly brad and gordon gave the three of us not so good write ups, but all the scout master and camper comments on us were really good. makes not much sense to me. he said that the camp "is going in a new direction." to me it sounds like its going down. they said they only returning older staff are lee and then this guy jared who didn't work there last year. everyone else is going to be new. i find that quite humorous. nick jakie and i are gonna go out there the first week and see how things are going.
anyway, im sick. my throat was killing me all weekend and last week so i was going to go to the doctor but my throat didn't hurt too bad this morning, i just have an awful lot of coughing congestion and sneezing so i think it has dwindled down to a cold.
oh i figured out that they took 16.47% of my check out in taxes...crazy huh?
next week is spring break but nick's is the week after so that sucks but im just gonna go hang out at his house and go shopping and stuff... yah that sounds like a plan. his birthday is saturday and i told him if he didn't tell me what he wanted i was gonna get him pink polka doted panties and he hasn't told me what he wants so i went to wally world and baught some tighty whiteies and then some pink sparkly paint and made polka dots. im so funny :-D
my internet class is my only B, everything else is high A's. rawr! well i still have two more tests, hopefully it'll come up. ok peace out yo!