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Oct 05, 2005 23:24

im seriously losing the drive to do anything...

failed (no this time im not complaining that i got 9/10) the physics quiz. even though it's worth so little. o gosh....i dont even know if i can pull of a 90 in that course. and this is soo messed up because im not even putting that much effort into it..and that's extremely un-penny like>__<'' i find comfort in the fact that physics will definitely not be any of the required courses for my programs..but the states...gahh..........>______<''

anyway, i think ive worked too hard in the past 3 years that now im like..slacking off majorly (in REAl school work, anyway)..man..this sucks>_<, and to think that this is the year where things count the most>_<..at least i ahve calc/algeo out of the way..

so to talk about something different,=) after wind ensemble today we (regine, david, jo, shenglan, and myself) sang the commencement song for chamber choir. that was fun..sounds so nice with the harmony=) speaking of commencement...wow. only a bit over a month away o.O..insane..cant wait to see all teh grads again=)
there's also the boston trip. i really want to go yet i really don't want to go...i mean, it is the last year and everything but like less than half of my friends are in music...>_< ya..and it's expensive..and i don't really want to shorten a day just so you can deduct $100...cuz that's pointless. but o gosh remember what happened at chicago...lol, the trip'll be awesome...(like akshita said, if all those who'll make it awesome actually come...)
wind ensemble, o man, someone has to PROPERLY tune the 60+ people....

yesterday was one of the funnest(-.-) days ever. all the crazy talks +timmies+conspiracies+prom. ahahahahhah. prom. that's so far away yet everyone's so excited about it now...geesh..i wish it's june already...gossip time^^.

thanksgiving dinner friday...hope everything turns out ok..hehe.
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