(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 20:10

+I guess I will update sense I really have nothing else to do.

+So yeah, school obviously started for me. Child Psychology sucks...so boring..and I really don't like Psychology in the first place. Why did I take that class you ask? Because it's college credits duh! Then I have Writing I...which is alright..my professor is pretty cool so far. Even though I had to do a paper already. And on monday he is making me do an oral presentation on only god knows what. Oh well. Easy class..easy grade. Afterwards I have Human Geography..now this class is the most boring class in the entire world! SOOOOOO BORING! I just go on my lap top and talk to Jason or just hit up the websites lol. Those classes I have monday, wednesday and friday. On Tuesday and Thursday I have Sped Math which is really simple. In that class I am obligated to take a math tutoring session once a week for 1 hour...HAHAHA! I don't think so..I'm not that stupid where I need math tutoring! Who needs tutoring on Addition like terms anyways? Seriously. Then I have Bio. It is alright...lots of note taking. But whatever, I am majoring in it so I have to take it. On thursday's I have a Bio lab..which is pretty easy so far and I guess kinda interesting.

+Lets see...I don't like traveling back and forth to school. Grr! I have to fill my tank 2 times a week. there goes $40+ out the window for gas a week. I am still 302 on the female waiting list which sucks major ass. Thank God for the 16 hours I get at Shaws every weekend.

+Today, I woke up at 6:30. Got to school by 8:30. Classes 9:30-2:20. Left around 2:40ish (Takes me a long time to walk to my car lol) Got lost trying to get to the mall from Bridgewater..lol waste some more gas why don't I! Got there around 3:30ish went shopping for a couple of things. Got home for 6:00ish..Dyed my hair dark brown...my hair was starting to turn orange lol. Ate some food. And here I am now doing this! lol.

+Jason and I have been going great. I get to see him everyday except thursdays because I get out of class at 2:20 and he goes in at 2 until 4:40..so I just leave instead of sitting in my car doing nothing. I am so happy with him! I can't wait till I get to see him tomorrow and give him his presents I bought him at the mall! :) Aren't I so sweet! I go to the mall and spend most of my money on him instead of me lol. I love him so much I just can't help myself!

+Well I am thinking about hitting the hay early.

+I love you and miss you Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"fall to pieces" avril

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